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<blockquote class="be-blockquote">
The blockquote is an element to indicates an enclosed text chossen...
  <span>The Author</span>

The blockquote is an element to indicates an enclosed text chossen to be an extended quotation. If you use a lot of quotes, as bloggers often do, it is a good idea to take control of this element and give it some CSS style! The Author

This is a very basic blockquote. To use this just need to add class be-blocquoteinside the blockquote open tag.

Following good practices it is recommended to use this class inside the blockquote open tag.

Other features can be added and combined to suit. The be-quote class adds quotes.

<blockquote class="be-blockquote be-quote">
The blockquote is an element to indicates an enclosed text chossen...
  <span>The Author</span>
The blockquote is an element to indicates an enclosed text chossen to be an extended quotation. If you use a lot of quotes, as bloggers often do, it is a good idea to take control of this element and give it some CSS style! The Author

Blockquote with borders

Using bdr classes

The blockquote is an element to indicates an enclosed text chossen to be an extended quotation. If you use a lot of quotes, as bloggers often do, it is a good idea to take control of this element and give it some CSS style! The Author
The blockquote is an element to indicates an enclosed text chossen to be an extended quotation. If you use a lot of quotes, as bloggers often do, it is a good idea to take control of this element and give it some CSS style! The Author
/* Classes for blockquote */
.be-blocquote /* Simple blockquote */
.be-quote /* add with quotes */
.be-quote-right /* add quote to right */
.be-quote-left /* add quote to left */
Search for "hack blockquote". Remenber you have an specific font for blockquote at the root. By default quotes and edges use brand color.